The people of Shusha made it the pearl of the Caucasus, the cradle of our culture, the mugham-singing heart of Azerbaijan
Najaf bey Fatali oghlu Vazirov (17 February 1854-9 July 1926) was an Azerbaijani playwright and journalist.
He was born in Shusha. He got his primary education in Shusha. bern ficktreffen Later he came to Baku and entered gymnasium (secondary school). dating seiten sankt gallen After graduating education in gymnasium Vazirov got admitted to the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Academy of Agriculture and Forestry in Moscow. After finishing his post-secondary studies in the 1870s, Vazirov obtained the position of a forest warden. In 1895 he moved to Baku.
His stories have been printed in different newspaper such as -“Həyat”, “İrşad”, “Təzə həyat”, “Tərəqqi”, “Yeni irşad”, “Sədayihəqq”, “E1 həyatı”, “Açıq söz”, “Mirat”, during 1905-1918 .
His creative work is divided into 3 parts.
First part 1873-1900
Second part 1902-1913
Third part 1913-1921
He began creative work in Baku. While he was student he wrote “Ev tərbiyəsinin bir şəkli” (1875), “Gəmi lövbərsiz olmaz” (1876) comedies. treffs obwalden While he was a forest warden he wrote “Daldan atılan daş topuğa dəyər” (1890), “Sonraki peşmançılıq fayda verməz” (1890), “Adı var, özü yox” (1891), “Yağışdan çıxdıq, yağmura düşdük” (“Hacı Qəmbər” 1895) komecomedies, “Müsibəti-Fəxrəddin” (1896) tragedyand “Pəhlivanani-zəmanə” dram play. Musibat-i Fakhraddin (“Fakhraddins Grief”, 1896) is the first tragedy play in Azerbaijan literature.
Later he had written his famous plays “Pul düşkünü Hacı Fərəc” (1912), “Keçmişdə qaçaqlar” (1912), “Təzə əsrin ibtidası” (1920) .
His dramatic composition carries private character with aesthetic principles of the critical realism. He has created obvious cases of social maintenance of the enlightenment movement, complex, psychological life manners of the people of the same time.
Vazirov died at the age of 72 of heart failure in 1926.
His works significantly enriched the repertoire of the then young Azerbaijani theatre and decisively established realistic genre as the dominant one in the Azerbaijani drama.
The Lankaran State Drama Theatre is named after Najaf bey Vazirov.